previous series
perpetual transformation: Spring 2025
Terry Huggett unpacked the importance of our ‘yes’ being ‘yes’ and are ‘no’ being ‘no’…
70x7: Autumn 2024
Olu and Yemi Akinwale did an outstanding job in on 70x7 series…
The Most Excellent Way: Spring - summer 2024
Diane Taylor beautifully unpacked one of the most famous parts in the Bible from 1 Corinthians 13…
David Lambourn continued our series explaining God’s ‘spiritual gifts’…
Andy & Sarah Winser unpacked ‘The Lord’s Supper’ (aka communion)…
Andy Taylor did a brilliant job unpacking 1 Corinthians 11:2-16…
Gary Bastin spoke at our all age gathering from 1 Corinthians 16 about money…
Iain McDonald spoke from 1 Corinthians 6 and asked, ‘Have you lost perspective?’…
David Robotham masterfully unpacked 1 Corinthians 5: ‘The Call and Challenge of Righteousness’…
Terry Huggett continued our series, ‘The Most Excellent Way’, looking at 1 Corinthians 4…
Terry Huggett, with some help from Hope Kids, demonstrated what was going on in 1 Corinthians 3…
Terry Huggett spoke from 1 Corinthians 2 in our current series, ‘The Most Excellent Way’…
Andy Taylor launched into our series ‘The Most Excellent Way’ unpacking the first chapter of 1 Corinthians…
There was a great ‘buzz’ in the room as Gary Bastin introduced our new theme, 'The Most Excellent Way’…
Guest speaker, Mark Mumford, did a superb job speaking about Jesus as the Good Shepherd…
David Robotham continued our current series looking at when Jesus said, ‘I am the gate’…
Gary Bastin unpacked the dramatic moment when Jesus said, ‘I am the Light of the World’…
Terry Huggett continued our series ‘Ego Eimi’ looking at ‘The Bread of Life’…
summer in the psalms: summer 2023
Wunmi Olopade continued our ‘Summer in the Psalms’ series looking at Psalm 51…
Finding Your Place, Playing Your Part: Summer 2023
Terry Huggett spoke about the importance of care and connection in our church community…
Sarah Winser talked about the importance of positive mother and father role models in our church…
Andy Winser spoke about ‘Reinforced Foundations’ and what God says about building…
Marian Hay spoke about how God wants his church to be a place of restoration…
A cake, a new church and the launch of our new series…
DebrA GreEn Weekend: 10-11 JUne 2023
Immeasurably More: Spring 2023
We are invited to remain, to abide, with God and from that things begin to happen…
Looking at Ephesians to see what God has done for us in the ‘Heavenly realms’…
Restore, Renew, Rebuild: Autumn 22
Faith, Hope & Love: Summer 2022
The fools on the hill: Autumn 2021-summer 2022
Terry Huggett looked at Matthew 7:13-20, and ‘the wide and narrow pathway’…
Andy Taylor continued our series ‘The Fools of the Hill’ looking at Matthew 6:19-24…
Simon Aspray continued our series ‘The Fools of the Hill’ looking at Matthew 6:5-18…
‘Salt & light’, fulfilling God’s law and the kind of heart God wants us to have…
From the Heart: Autumn 2021
How should we live as God’s people in 21st century Britain?
When God builds the church are we prepared...
Let’s not settle with ‘OK’ but instead ask, ‘what if?’
We started this new season with a short series called ‘From the Heart’…
Reconnecting: Summer 2021
Ezra: Summer 2021
Elias & Susie Hope concluded our series in Ezra looking at the final two chapters…
It’s been a long time but we were back in the building! Gary Bastin continued our series in Ezra, looking at chapter 3…
EMERGE: Spring & Summer 2021
Guest speaker Mark Mumford concluded our 'emerge' series with a superb talk called ‘Finding God in uncertain times’…
Going to the Promised Land: Spring 2021
Clinging to God’s promises and moving forward…
What does the idea of being 'priestly' in your everyday life mean to you?
God partnered with His people and won a great victory.
God’s provision, relying on Him and living truly God centred lives.
Andy Winser launched our new series ‘Going to the Promised Land’…
New Wineskins?: SPRING 2021
Spirit Filled Church: Autumn 2020
Pete and Marian Hay look at how the Spirit helps us in prayer and guides us…
Youth Pastor Biggsy delivered a provocative talk on 'Unity & Fruit'…
Gary Bastin unwrapped 'Spiritual Gifts’ that are given for us to fulfil Gods mission…
Gary Bastin highlighted seven symbols for the 'Holy Spirit' and encouraged us to reflect on them this week…
Sian Rees, from the Evangelical Alliance, clear and compelling message from Acts 4…
Sara Huggett spoke on the work of the Holy Spirit in revelation, illumination & teaching…
Terry Huggett spoke on the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation, purification & assurance…
Andy Taylor spoke about the Holy Spirit in the New Testament and poured three bottles of Guinness…
Jen Smith spoke insightfully about the activity of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament…
God’s Waiting Room: Summer 2020
The conclusion of our summer series 'God's Waiting Room' focused on Paul in the Bible…
What is God doing now, what could this mean for us and our nation?
Loba Olopade continued our summer series 'God's Waiting Room' looking at Abraham…
Romans: Spring / Summer 2020
2020 Vision: Spring 2020
When we become Christians, God begins a process reprocessing us!
Grace for each other’s quirks and giving space to be changed at God’s pace!
The significance and assurance of Biblical ‘hope’ in the New Testament…
Christmas 2019
Terry Huggett encouraged us to consider our relationships with one another.
A brilliant, vibrant, festive, all age re-telling of the Biblical Nativity Story!
Unashamed: Autumn 2019
The Gospel is the wonderful life transforming ‘God Story’, which is good news for everyone, and the cosmos!
Elias & Susie Hope spoke about ‘Righteousness’ and how God takes us from being ‘slave’ to ‘heirs’.
Various: Autumn 2019
A big day for us as we marked our first year as Hope Community Church!
Gods hall of fame: January - August 2019
The conclusion of our ‘God’s Hall of Fame’, not one, not two, but three 'heroes'!
Ruth Norris took us on an amazing deep dive into the Bible to discover the wonder of ‘The Nazorean’...
Guest speaker, Earl Robinson, guided us through Joshua as part of ‘God’s Hall of Fame’ series.
We continued our series ‘God’s Hall of Fame’ looking at Moses and a Chopper bike!
We continued our walk down ‘God’s Hall of Fame’ looking at the incredible story of Joseph.
Martyn Gamble looked at Jacob, son of Isaac, in our ‘God’s Hall of Fame’ series.
We continued our series ‘God’s Hall of Fame’ looking at Isaac, son of Abraham.
At and all age gathering we went down ‘God’s Hall of Fame’ looking at Abraham.
There was a buzz in the air as we launched ‘Hope Kids’ and our new series ‘God’s Hall of Fame’!
Christmas 2018
Talks from 2018’s Christmas season where we asked the question, ‘What are you hoping for this Christmas?’
At Carols by Candlelight we heard about a man who fell into a pit! Was there any hope for him..?
Looking at the Old Testament prophecies which spoke of a Messiah who was to come...
Greg Whittick prepared us for Christmas by looking at two ‘songs’ found in Luke 1.
A practical equipping series that will help you pray, connect and introduce your family, friends or work colleagues to Jesus!
Big weekend: October 2018
A fabulous time away with excellent teaching and ministry from Mark & Nesta Mumford.
A new hope: autumn 2018
A lead up to our launch as Hope Community Church looking at what it means to become a ‘people of hope’!
Part three of our ‘New Hope’ series looking at the ‘Inward’ aspect and key ‘prophetic words’.
Continuing our ‘New Hope’ series church leader Gary Bastin reminded everyone of the church’s three-fold foundational vision of UP IN and OUT.
Church leader Gary Bastin launched our new series 'A New Hope' in a creative way at an all age gathering.
Jonah: Summer 2018
A look at the Biblical character man who was swallowed (and spat out) by a big fish!
General: 2018
A fabulous morning as two men were baptised! This was preceded by the brilliant Sarah Winser who gave a clear and humorous talk about what baptism is!
On the last Sunday in August we welcomed back church leaders Gary & Marianne Bastin after their sabbatical. Their were also some encouraging stories of God at work...