Ezra: A house and a people

On a hot sunny morning Biggsy was joined by Ellen Brown and Euan Rixson as co-hosts. Thanks to Lynette Pascual for speaking in 'The Source' and to Hope Worship for leading us in songs both old and new in our sung worship!

We were delighted to welcome back expert Bible teacher, Dave Perry (from Canada), who did a masterful job in unpacking the first two chapters in our series on the book of Ezra.

Dave concluded by asking us to consider three questions. This week, please take time to reflect on them alone, or with a friend or in your small group:

  1. What promises from God do I need to revisit?

  2. God loves His church; does the church matter to me?

  3. Do I see myself as part of something bigger than myself?

To watch what happened please see below.