negative roots

I did some more garden pruning last Saturday and had another bonfire! Everything is now cut back and ready for spring. It will all grow back because I have not touched the roots.

However, in our old house I did have to remove some plants. The previous owner had some beautiful roses, but they were in the wrong place for a young family.

The thorns on the branches were just at the height that if our kids touched them, they would have been hurt. So, they had to go.

After cutting them back, I got to work on digging out the roots. I was shocked how deep and wide the roots were. It took me a long time, and hard work, to get all the roots out, as I did not want those roses to return.

Roots are mentioned a lot in the Bible – both positive and negative ones. Let’s consider negative roots. Here is one example mentioned in the Bible…

See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.
— Hebrews 12:15 The NIV Bible

This is part of a letter written to the Jews (Hebrews) in the First Century AD to encourage them in their faith at a time when the church was being persecuted.

In this verse the writer warned about allowing any ‘bitter roots’ to grow in them, as the consequences would not be good.

I think we should take note of this warning today! There is a danger that we can allow bad, wrong or negative thoughts and attitudes to take root in us. Once a seed like this is planted it can grow and cause us trouble.

Often the reason can be quite small to start with. We may have been offended or hurt by someone. This can lead to bitterness or hatred. Or we may be slightly jealous of someone, and this can lead to envy or resentment.

In my role as a Pastor, I have seen how these negative feelings can take root in people and deeply affects them in a bad way.

I do believe that God does not want anyone to live under the effects of these negative roots. Jesus came to intervene and to free people from them. He has the power and ability to dig deep and cut away these roots. He has also given insight and skill to people to help those who are crippled by such things.

If you are troubled by some bad roots, let me encourage you deal with it now! Pray and ask Jesus for His help. You can also get help from a local church or a professional counsellor.

Like those roses in my garden, it’s time for this stuff to go, and for you to walk free!

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin