
At this time of the year, I like to do some pruning in our garden. The last two Saturdays I have spent a few hours outside, cutting back branches and clearing away dead foliage, ready for them to bud again in the spring.

There is one plant which grows abundantly annually. It dies off in the winter, is easy to remove and burns great in a bonfire!

Each year it returns, and I have placed some trellis in the garden, and it wraps itself all over it, providing a beautiful green screen in the summer.

As I was removing and burning it, I was struck by the fact that this plant always returns in a bountiful way. That’s because I never dig out the roots! If I took them out, then it would be no more.

Roots are mentioned a lot in the Bible – both positive and negative ones. Let’s consider positive roots. The image of a strong fruit producing tree is used often, here is an example…

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.
— Jeremiah 17:7-8 The NIV Bible

The audience of the day would have understood the imagery. A thriving, fruitful tree is possible if it has good roots. In other words, the depth and health of the root system will determine the quality of the plant.

In these verses from Jeremiah, we see that the person who trust’s God is like a tree with good roots. We can take this picture and apply it to our lives. If we are well rooted in God, then we too will be blessed and fruitful.

How does one get these good roots? May I suggest a few ways.. 

  • Taking time to be with God alone

  • Cultivating a secret devotional life of prayer (listening and speaking to God)

  • Reading and meditating on the Bible

  • Keeping a soft heart, allowing God to shape and adjust

  • Proactively, seeking ways to bless and serve others 

Let me encourage you to try some, or all of these in your life. May your roots be strengthened and may God bless you with fruitfulness.

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin