

I came across an article from the BBC this week about a lady who met the stem cell donor who saved her life. Jo Kelly was given six months to live after being diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma at the age of 25. Just when her treatment options had run out, she found a stem cell donor from Germany. Eight years on from the operation, she's cancer free and married with a baby girl.

It was so moving I found myself crying as I watched it. You can take a look HERE. The donor gave Jo life, literally! She and her husband were so grateful. Through my tears this verse in the Bible came to mind when Jesus said…

I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect - life in its fullness until you overflow!
— John 10:10 The Passion Translation

Life with Jesus is something quite amazing: For me it’s knowing I am loved and accepted just as I am. This ‘Jesus life’ says ‘goodbye’ to old habits, thinking and behaviour and says ‘hello’ to seeing this world as God does. It is a living ongoing relationship with Jesus. As I listen and submit to Him, he changes me to become the person he intended me to be.

I have also seen this ‘Jesus life’ change other people to. The lonely are accepted. The broken are healed. The haters become lovers. The consumers become givers.

I know I have not arrived, but like Jo, who was so grateful for the life her donor gave her, in the BBC story, I am also very thankful for the life Jesus has given me! Do you have this ‘Jesus life’?

God bless you!

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin