

Last May something happened in our church that has never happened before! In my 16 years of church leadership this was a first! We all knew it was going to take place and when it did, we were delighted! So, what was this amazing thing? Well, one of members became the Mayor of Basingstoke! That person is Diane Taylor. She had been a long serving member of our local council and because of that was appointed Mayor for a year.

According to the website: ‘The Basingstoke Mayor is the first citizen of the borough. This means that only HM The Queen, members of the Royal Family and the Lord Lieutenant take precedence over the Mayor at events in the borough’. All very exciting and, on occasions, rather formal!

It’s been a joy to watch ‘Mayor Diane’ visiting a variety of places in and around Basingstoke, ably supported by her ‘Consort’, husband Andy. There is not a week that goes by that they are not featured in the local press.

It has thrilled me is to see Diane promoting things that are close to her heart. One of those has been sharing tea with couples from the area who were celebrating Golden and Diamond wedding anniversaries. This was fantastic and a Godly thing to do, as the Bible says...

Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.
— Leviticus 19:32 The NIV Bible

This verse can be found deep in the Levitical Law, which God gave to His people, Israel, when they were becoming a Nation. It does seem a little odd to have this as part of their law, but it was an important issue to God and he wanted His people to know and live by it.

In a world where so much attention seems to focus on youth and independence, Diane has used her position and influence as Mayor to highlight and celebrate the elderly and long-term commitment.

Through these events, Diane has not only shown respect but has sort to honour these couples who have shared life together for 50-60 years. I love that! Well done Mayor!

God bless you!

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin