True Worship

Where would we be without 4G? The wonder of technology means that, pretty much, wherever we go, we can maintain connection to the internet.

You can check your emails at the beach, buy a Tee-shirt whilst walking the dog, or stream your favourite music or movie at the bus stop. We can connect anytime, anyplace, anywhere!

In the book of John, in the Bible, the story is told of a conversation that Jesus had with a woman at a well. They talked about Jerusalem, which at that time, was ‘the’ place for Jewish worship.

Jesus shocked her by saying that change was ahead…

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
— John 4:23 The NIV Bible

In other words, Jesus said that the old order, or the traditional form of worship they knew, was ending. Instead, the worship God the Father was after was to be ‘in the Spirit’ and ‘in truth’. Let’s consider ‘in the Spirit’…

Genesis 1 tells us that The Holy Spirit was involved in creation. He is the very essence of creativity.

Therefore ‘true’ worship is creative! It’s not just singing, and can include movement, writing, painting, in fact many different forms of art.

What The Holy Spirit does, always glorifies God the Father. Think about miracles in the New Testament. Many times, when the power of God healed/touched someone, their response was to praise God. ‘True’ worship always glorifies God!

Finally, John 3 tells us that the Holy Spirit is like the wind, unseen and mobile. So, just like the wonders of 4G, ‘true’ worship is not locked into a certain place, but can be expressed anytime, anyplace, anywhere!

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin