The Triple Decker


I don’t write many letters. Also, my handwriting has never been good, and to be honest it has got worse in recent years as all ‘letters’ I do write are done on the computer. It feels to me like the ‘art’ or putting pen to paper is dying out.

The New Testament part of the Bible is made up of 22 letters which were written to the Christians in churches throughout the Roman Empire in First Century AD.

Paul, known as ‘the Apostle’ wrote 13 of them. What’s incredible is that even though he was addressing specific situations in real places, there are eternal truths which still stand and speak to us today!

In Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth he concluded with a short sentence that has since been used in 1000s of churches, known as ‘The Grace’...

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
— 2 Corinthians 13:4 The NIV Bible

I read it again recently and was struck by the words Paul used with the three persons of God, AKA

The Trinity...

Jesus & grace: Time and time again when we read of the encounters that people had with Jesus, it’s clear that he just ‘oozed’ grace for people. Jesus is the perfect example of graciousness.

God & love: We could also say God the Father here. The almighty creator God is not just loving, the Bible says God IS love: it’s part of His DNA. Every time I ponder on that it just blows my mind!

Holy Spirit & fellowship: It’s the Spirit who enables unity and togetherness, firstly in the ‘Godhead’ but then also for us. God is and is about community, one but not the same. 

Let me encourage you to ponder this ‘triple-decker’ blessing. Think about what is says about God, your relationship with him and how God wants you to live...

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Stay safe

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin