The Blessing


When something goes ‘viral’ it means that an image, video or information is circulated rapidly and widely on the internet. In the last few weeks, a worship song has done just that!

What is so amazing about this particular song is that it’s not just one version but a variety of recordings that have exploded around the world. The UK version has already had over 2 million views on YouTube and can be found

In different countries groups of Christian singers, songwriters and worship leaders have collaborated to produce what looks like a ‘Zoom version’ of the song. These artists are from a multitude of denominations and church backgrounds and what is fantastic is that they are united around the powerful lyrics and meaning of the song.

The song is called ‘The Blessing’ and is based on the priestly blessing found in the book of Number in the Old Testament part of the Bible.

This ‘blessing’ came at a time when God was establishing His people Israel and a form of worship where priests mediated between them and God. It was God himself who commanded the priests to bless the people by saying these words...

The Lord bless you and keep you,
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you,
the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace.
— Numbers 6:24-26 The NIV Bible

The Hebrew word for peace used here is ‘shalom’. This peace is not just an absence of war but embraces many aspects of life. It includes good health, security, inner harmony, wellness, material prosperity, and a long life.

Everyone has been affected by coronavirus in some way and this united ‘blessing’ is being sung as a message of comfort and hope all over the world.

The news tells us that we are not through this yet. We have just begun to navigate our way down this ‘coronavirus mountain’, and the journey down can still be perilous!

So, as we all continue to live through these strange and difficult times may you know the blessing, peace and shalom of God in your life!

Also, why not check out our live stream service every Sunday at 10:30am, simply go to

Stay safe

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin