Snakes and Ladders


Last Saturday we watched as Prime Minister Boris Johnson told us that England was heading for a second lockdown. I must be honest, as I heard the news my heart sank.

For a few moments, my mind went into overdrive: Will people be OK? What about those who are still struggling especially with mental health? Will more be furloughed or made redundant? Will the NHS cope? Will we run out of toilet paper? Is Christmas cancelled?

As all that buzzed around my head, I asked God for help and I immediately saw a picture of a ‘snakes and ladders’ game.

Life is like playing this classic board game. There is a start and an end. There are times of great progress, like shooting up one of the ladders, but then on other occasions you land on a snake and go back. Saturday’s news felt like we had just gone down the longest snake on the board!

I had to take a moment, and as I did God reminded me of the opening of Psalm 121...

I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
— Psalm 121:1-2 The NIV Bible

I felt like I was back at the start of ‘snakes and ladders’. So, I lifted my eyes and looked to God - He is where my help comes from!

The is no question that lockdown 2.0 is a setback. We need to pray like never before. And, we must also keep going as the game is not over. It’s time to get on and roll that dice again!

I thank God for this picture and for this Psalm. Together they have bought me strength, comfort and peace. The Maker of heaven and earth is where my help comes from, what about you..?

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Stay safe & God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin