Saint Valentine

Today it’s Valentine’s Day… and yes, I remembered! It’s that day when those who are in love are encouraged to declare it, those secret admirers as well as those in long term relationships.

The shops have been stacked with cards, chocolates, sweets, flowers and other romantic gifts to help us say ‘I love you’!

Of course, like many traditions Valentine’s Day has become commercialised, and an opportunity to make money. The origins are far removed from a dozen red roses…

Saint Valentine was a 3rd Century Priest, who cared for and looked after persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire.

He was martyred and his body buried on the 14 February. He was later Sainted, and that date has been observed as the Feast of Saint Valentine since the 8th Century.

Hundreds of years before this, Jesus spoke about how he saw real love in action. He said these words at a significant moment in his life…

My command is this: love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
— John 15:12-13 The NIV Bible

Jesus said this to his closest friends (Disciples) at the last supper. Hours later he was arrested, falsely trialled, and put to death on a cross. He demonstrated sacrificial love.

Other parts in the Bible explain that His death was necessary, as he took on himself all the wrong and bad things we have done. It was (and is) the gateway for God’s forgiveness.

It also says that Jesus came back to life three days later. This was a new life, and the Bible declares that this is also available to everyone who believes in Jesus.

Jesus’ motivation was love for people – the likes of you and me, and everyone, all over the earth. He laid down His life, so we could gain true life, as Father God intended.

Followers of Jesus are encouraged to love in this way too. The Message Bible puts it like this: ‘Put your life on the line for your friends.’

Back in the 3rd Century, Saint Valentine imitated Jesus, demonstrating this kind of love to those who served and cared for.

This Valentine’s Day, let me encourage you to consider what God’s love looks like. Know too that you are very much loved by God!

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin