
Have you ever blown it? You know those times when you either said or did something wrong and then quickly regretted it? It feels really bad – like squeezing some toothpaste out of the tube and unable to get it back inside.

Last week was Holy Week, which culminated in the death and resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. The day before Jesus was crucified, one of his closest friends, Peter, said that he would never leave Jesus and that he was willing to die with him.

Jesus replied saying that Peter would deny knowing him three times! This shocked Peter, but Jesus was right, Peter did disown Jesus three times! Jesus was crucified and buried, leaving Peter mortified.

But after he was resurrected, Jesus spoke to Peter once again and three times he asked him, ‘do you love me?’…

The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep”.
— John 21:17 The NIV Bible

This was a significant moment between Jesus and Peter. After Peter’s disastrous denial of even knowing Jesus just a few days before, Jesus gently rebuilds Peter.

Three times Peter said he did not know Jesus, and three times Jesus asked him if he loved him. Each time Peter responded with a definite yes. It seems to me, that each of Peter’s denials are cancelled as they spoke together.

Jesus also asked Peter to ‘feed’ and ‘take care’ of his lambs/sheep. In other words, Jesus asked him to look after and care for the other believers and followers.

A broken Peter confessed his love for Jesus. In this healing process, Jesus forgave him for his three denials, restored the relationship and gave him a purpose in moving forward.

This is a beautiful picture of what Jesus does with people today:

  1. He responds to brokenness and confession

  2. He forgives wrongdoings

  3. He restores relationship

  4. He gives purpose in life

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin