

The last two weekends I have been doing some pruning in our garden (back permitting!). Some of our plants have lost all their leaves, whilst others have grown so much that they need this annual ‘haircut’. It’s a satisfying job, clearing away the dead foliage and preparing the garden for next year. Did you know pruning is mentioned in the Bible? In the book of John, the writer quotes Jesus saying...

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
— John 15:1-2 The NIV Bible

Father God is in the business of pruning people! But what are the effects of God’s pruning in our lives? Here are four things I have learnt:

  1. Clears away the dead stuff. Pruning gets rid of growth that is now dead. It does not mean that what was alive before was bad! Not at all, it was good! It simply means it has had its day: it’s over and it’s time for something new. Are you in a season where it’s time to leave some good things behind and look towards something new?

  2. Reshaping. Some of my plants grow in all sorts of directions! Sometimes I need to reshape the plant so that it grows in a certain direction, so that it looks better. Are you in a place where God requires some reshaping? Perhaps there are specific areas that have been over emphasised or others neglected that need attention?

  3. Space for new life. I am amazed that when I feel I have been dramatic with the pruning that the plant comes back even stronger the following year! It seems like the more space it has, the more ‘life’ comes. Are you needing to give God space in your life, work or ministry? Don’t be eager to fill the space your way, give God a chance to fill it, with new ideas and maybe even new people.

  4. Pruning is for growth. Any pruning I have ever done has not killed the plant, much to my amazement! It has only served to make it grow even more. When God prunes us, it can feel like a backwards step or even painful but ultimately it is for growth and expansion!

Whatever you are currently facing, remember that Father God is a Master Gardener! He knows you and what is best for you in this season. Trust Him...and His pruning shears.

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin