OK or not OK?


This month marks one year since Covid-19 changed everything for everyone here in the UK! As I look back at what has happened it’s with a mix of sadness, disbelief alongside joy and hope.

One important aspect that has been continually highlighted is our ‘mental health’, as the longevity of lockdown restrictions have taken their toll.

It’s been said that ‘it’s OK not to be OK’. For me this is true, helpful and releasing. As I think back over the last 12 months, personally, there were times when I really struggled. Fortunately, those days were not so many.

I’m a Christian and church leader and so you may be shocked to read that! However, I’m being honest and I am not alone... There is a character in the Bible who was a ‘mighty man of God’ but who also had his low moments. He was King David and he wrote this in Psalm 30…

I remember boasting, “I’ve got it made! Nothing can stop me now!
I’m God’s favoured one; he’s made me steady as a mountain!”
But then suddenly, you hid your face from me.
I was panic-stricken and became depressed.
— Psalm 30:6-7 The Passion Bible

These two verses couldn’t be further apart from each other. I really appreciate King David’s brutal honesty.

On the one hand, he had known God’s favour. In those times ‘life was good’, and he felt unstoppable. But on the other hand, he also experienced times of not seeing or connecting with God and that sent him in a downward spiral.

Reading more about David in other parts of the Bible we learn that his relationship with God was real, deep and personal, and yet he still had ‘highs and lows’. Why? Because he was a human being!

If King David, who had an ongoing relationship with God, experienced good days and bad days, then it’s OK for me too! This gives me such comfort and hope. And so, fellow human, it’s OK for you too!

Please check out our live stream every Sunday at 10:30am, simply go to www.hopebasingstoke.org/livestream

Stay safe & God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin