Move on and move forward


Last week, pop legend, Sir Cliff Richard OBE turned 80! He has sold more than 250 million records worldwide in a career that has spanned some 60 years. Now that’s impressive!

The Daily Mail also reported last week, ‘Sir Cliff has given startling proof that he lives up to the Christian precept of loving your enemy - by recording a special edition of the BBC’s flagship religious programme Songs of Praise.’

This was significant as only two years ago Sir Cliff won his High Court battle against the BBC which had, he said, left his reputation 'forever tainted'. 

The article went on to say, 'Cliff explained that he doesn't hold grudges and that the only way in life is to move on and move forward,' I'm told. 'His view is that all is good again.'

The Daily Mail reporter was quoting the words of Jesus from his famous ‘preach’ in the Bible commonly known as ‘the sermon on the mount’...

You have heard that it was said, “Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...
— Matthew 5:43-44 The NIV Bible

Sir Cliff has been open about his Christian faith for many years and has sometimes been ridiculed for it. However, his faith is genuine as this article reveals! He has put his faith into action and it’s been noticed.

So how do you truly love your enemies? I believe that’s only possible with God’s help! Sir Cliff knows and has demonstrated this, for all to see.

So, who is your enemy? Or to put it another way, is there anyone that you are struggling to get on with? Let me encourage you to be like Sir Cliff, as he said, ‘Don’t hold a grudge, move on and move forward’. God can help you in this, so if you need His help, be bold and ask Him...

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Stay safe & God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin