Groundhog Day?
Have you seen the film Groundhog Day? Bill Murray plays Phil Connors, a cynical TV weatherman who finds himself inexplicably living the same day over and over again. There have been numerous times during this pandemic that it has felt like Groundhog Day to me.
As autumn turns into winter and the days become shorter, I admit that sometimes I haven’t a clue what day it is! It has felt quite relentless and confusing!
I have needed reminding of where I am and more importantly who I am. It’s in these moments that I have turned to God for help. I read this great section of the Bible recently...
“But you are God’s chosen treasure - priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvellous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world. For at one time you were not God’s people, but now you are. At one time you knew nothing of God’s mercy, because you hadn’t received it yet, but now you are drenched with it!”
These words, written by Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends, have been a source of great strength to me. Why? Because they address three of the most important things in life: identity, belonging and purpose. Only in God are these three fundamentals answered...
Identity – God’s chosen treasure, royal priests, set apart for Him
Belonging – God’s people, owned and loved by Him
Purpose – To live as God’s people and to tell others about this loving and merciful God
If you want to discover who you are, find true belonging and purpose then there is no better place than to find it in the God of The Bible!
Also, why not check out our live stream service every Sunday at 10:30am, simply go to
Stay safe & God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader