This week I have been reading 2 Corinthians.
This second letter was written around 55AD by the Apostle Paul to the church he started in the city of Corinth (in modern day Greece).
He wrote it in response to some fears that the church had about what he was doing!
Paul reminded them that he was about God’s business and that it was the power of God at work through him.
He puts it like this...
“We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us.”
Paul was saying he was simply a vessel or a container holding something special.
Anything good he did he wanted to give God the glory and not himself.
This ‘treasure’ was important and valuable, not the container!
So what is this treasure?
It’s to know God and his glorious salvation, which wipes away the past and makes someone brand new.
It’s also the presence of the Holy Spirit as comforter, encourager and ‘power’, to help someone to live God’s way!
As Christians, you and I are clay jars too, containers of God’s great treasure!
Let’s remember that as we serve Him today seeking to share this treasure with others...
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader