5th Sunday Brunch
A relaxed time together, on Mother's Day, celebrating inspiring women. Win a prize for the most creative pancake topping! Suitable for all ages | £1 per person
Find out more and sign up here

Easter Sunday
Something for everyone at an all age gathering celebrating that Jesus is alive! Concluding with delicious refreshments.

The Year Ahead
It’s an all age gathering where we lay out our vision for 2025 of ‘Perpetual Transformation’…

Christmas Day
A light-hearted celebration of the birth of Jesus! Stuffed with carols, games and a few surprises! A great way to keep Christ in Christmas!

The Christmas Journey
A festive gathering suitable for all ages set in a candlelit atmosphere.
Children: come dressed as your favourite Nativity character! (optional)

Live Nativity
Experience the reality of when Jesus was born! Featuring ‘live’ animals and characters from the Nativity story. Limited spaces, please book online here

Christmas Worship
A collection of carols, Christmas songs and readings to worship the new born King.

Remembrance Sunday / The do’s and don’ts of Forgiveness
70x7: Our autumn series on Forgiveness.

Thanksgiving Sunday & Foodbank Donations
An all age gathering to look back over this last year at all that God has done. There will be an opportunity to donate food to the Foodbank. To find out what to give please go here

Community Churches Connected Joint Gathering
A gathering of Community Churches Connected.