What will your answer be?


Today is the 1st September! I can’t quite believe we are 2/3 through 2021. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘September’?

For me it evokes memories of my childhood, going ‘back to school’ in my new uniform. My new ‘Clarks’ shoes sparkled as I made my way to the new classroom, and new teacher!

It also reminds me of autumn, which is my favourite season. The nights begin to draw in, the leaves begin to fall, and I remember playing conkers in the school playground. No chance of that happening these days!

September also has a sense of regathering the church after the summer holiday period. That is even more apt this year, as we seek to regather whilst continuing to emerge from the pandemic.

With this in mind, I read again recently how God called the Old Testament prophet Isaiah:

Then I heard the Lord’s voice, saying, “Whom can I send? Who will go for us?”
So I said, “Here I am. Send me!”
— Isaiah 6:8 The NCV Bible

Isaiah had just experienced an incredible vision of God’s heavenly throne room. That is not something I can say has happened to me! But I have had my own encounter moments with God.

Isaiah heard God ask for someone to be sent on His behalf. That in itself is a remarkable thing! The almighty creator God was seeking a person to partner with here on the earth.

And Isaiah did not hesitate, he said, “Yes, I’ll do it!” And so, he became God’s spokesman to many different people over many years.

As we start a new season this September, let me encourage you to consider Isaiah. God is still seeking people to partner with Him. Women and men who are willing to say ‘yes’ to God.

It’s like God is still asking “Whom can I send? Who will go for us?” What will your answer be?

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin