Weak Spots
Are you the kind of person who buys a sneaky chocolate bar in the supermarket with the weekly shop? Or are you someone who can’t resist popping into a shoe shop and leaving with some new footwear?
If you open a bottle of wine to have a glass with a meal, does the whole bottle then get drunk? Perhaps you start to watch a TV series then end up viewing the whole thing into the earlier hours of the morning?
These kinds of things are our weak spots. Once given into, there are consequences!
In the Old Testament, the Bible records that King David’s son Solomon, succeeded him on the throne. Solomon asked God for wisdom to rule, and God answered that prayer. Not only that, God blessed Solomon with much material wealth too.
His reign was like nothing ever seen before in the ancient world. However, his story does not have a happy ending, as Solomon loved women, and married many of them…
“As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been.”
This was Solomon’s weak spot. He knew what God’s best regarding relationships was, and yet he ignored that, which led to his downfall.
The Bible goes on to say that after Solomon, the unity of Israel was broken, two kingdoms were established and there was rivalry and civil war for many years after.
This is a sad story indeed. If Solomon had not given into his weak spot, then I’m sure the outcome would have been so different.
What can we learn from this? I suspect that we all have at least one weak spot! If that is you, then be honest, acknowledge its existence and the power it has in your life.
Then put things in place to prevent it from affecting you. It might be to intentionally avoid certain places, websites or even people? Build in positive alternatives and invest in them.
One thing that may help, is to tell a close friend of your weak spot and be accountable to them. Over the years I have helped people who have struggled in certain areas. They gave me permission to ask them about it, to help and pray for them.
Finally, remember that God loves you no matter what. When we humble ourselves, he will forgive. Ask God to give you what you need when facing these weak spots. The answer may be an immediate internal transformation, or it may be through the help and support of others.
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader