
We are not gardeners. Over the years we have planted various flowers and shrubs in our garden and hoped for the best. Some died, others have survived, and some have even flourished!

In the spring of this year, we were given some small tomato plants. We have never grown our own fruit or vegetables, so this caused us some distress! My wife decided to go for it and bought a ‘grow bag’ and neatly embedded the tomato plants in it.

We watered them regularly and watched and waited. We had no idea if they would live or die! As spring moved into summer, we were surprised to see that the plants were actually growing well.

Over the next few weeks, we had to add some cains to support them as they continued to increase. Then, one day when I was watering them, I was shocked to see an actual tomato! The plant was bearing fruit.

A gardener friend came round and advised us to cut away the greenery, so that the plant could focus on producing more tomatoes. We did that, and for the last month we have harvested juicy baby tomatoes!

In fact, we have had so many, we have given them away to neighbours and family! The tomato plant has been a triumph, and we feel like proper ‘home growers’!

We saw for ourselves the importance of pruning. By removing the leaves, the plant could focus on growing the fruit. This horticultural experience reminded me of something in John’s Gospel in the Bible. Jesus said…

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
— John 15:1-2 The NIV Bible

Jesus talked about a vine, something his audience would be aware of, as they were common. Many of them would have known how to care for a vine to produce grapes.

In this context, Jesus said that He was the vine, his Father the gardener, and his Disciples were the branches. The Disciples would only be fruitful if they stayed connected to Jesus and pruned by Father God.

I believe that this is true for us today. Jesus wants you and me to be ‘connected’ to Himself. This is achieved by being in a living relationship with Jesus. From that, He wants us to be fruitful in whatever area we work in, or have influence.

However, other stuff can get in the way, that can hinder this fruitfulness. So, we need Father God to prune us in order that we may be fruitful. In other words, God’s pruning is for purpose!

  • How is your connection / relationship with Jesus doing?

  • Are you being fruitful?

  • If not, perhaps you need some pruning in your life, in order to be fruitful?

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin