Thinking about next year
Well, that was a very different Christmas! It’s the first time I have stayed at home with my wife and three children on Christmas Day.
We made the most of it. It was very relaxed, we enjoyed a lazy breakfast, opened a few presents, had an amazing turkey roast (minus Brussel sprouts), watched the Queen at 3pm, opened some more presents, lit a fire and watched Die Hard (after all it is a Christmas film!).
The period between Christmas and New Year has been referred to as ‘Crimbo Limbo’. During this time I have been reflecting over 2020 (a year that will not be forgotten) and thinking ahead to 2021.
Whilst contemplating, I read in the Bible about one of the heroes of the Old Testament, Noah...
“Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.”
Noah’s story is told very early in the Bible, but even then, things were not good as people lived in total depravity. Against this back-drop Noah stood out: He was righteous, blameless and walked with God.
In other words, he was a man who did the right thing. In doing so he was innocent of any wrongdoing. A man of integrity. He was not perfect but was above reproach.
So, what was his secret? I believe it was because ‘he walked faithfully with God’. The Bible states this as it wants us to see that there is a difference between just living and walking with God. We all live, but not all live ‘with God’.
This implies relationship, connection and togetherness. Noah was a man who did ‘life with God’. I found this passage both an encouragement and a Godly challenge for 2021. How do I want live next year? I want to be righteous, blameless and walk with God. What about you?
Also, why not check out our live stream service every Sunday at 10:30am, simply go to
Stay safe & God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader
Picture: ‘The Story of God Noah’ Concept Painting by Ralph Hulett