A new way of thinking

Last week I had a conversation with someone who works at the Bible College I attended over 30 years ago. They are gathering stories from past students as they prepare to celebrate 40 years next year!

It took me back to 1988 when I, as a young ‘mulleted’ man heard the call of God to go to Bible College.

I’m not academic, so going was an act of obedience. At that time, I was working for a local printing company, part of the church, in the youth group and worship band, playing drums.

One of my friends had just returned from a trip to the US where he had been part of a church. Whilst he was sharing his story something stirred in me, ‘what was God calling me to?’

After much prayer, talking to trusted friends and church leaders, I knew my next step was to go to Bible College. That decision shaped the direction of my life…

As I came to the end of my time at Bible College, I was offered a job at our church. I started a few months later and have been employed there ever since!

When sharing this story last week, I was asked, what was the main thing that I took from being at Bible College?

My answer was, that it gave me a great overview of God’s ‘big story’ from Genesis to Revelation.

It changed my thinking and how I looked at the world, instilling a God shaped perspective for the whole of life. This is summed up by Paul in his letter to the Christians in Rome…

Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking.
— Romans 12:2 The NCV Bible

Here, Paul is quite blunt! The world in which they lived was shaped by all sorts of voices. As followers of Jesus, Paul instructed them to think and act in a ‘new way’… God’s way!

Today, there are many voices trying to get our attention, seeking to influence and mould how we should think and live. There is a lot of noise out there!

My Christan walk was profoundly shaped at Bible College. Ways of thinking was challenged, deconstructed and rebuilt with God at the centre.

What voices shape and influence how you think and behave?

If God is the author and creator of this universe, planet earth and you, then, I believe He knows the best way to live. Why not ask Him about His way of thinking?

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin