The Stranger
I hope you had a good Easter weekend? I enjoyed the spring weather and did the first cut of the grass in our back garden after a lovely 10 mile run on Saturday morning.
On Sunday, we enjoyed a lovely traditional roast with my wife’s extended family. This was made better by the surprise arrival of our daughter, from Somerset, who we went expecting until the next day. And yes, I did receive some chocolate Easter eggs… yummy!
For me, over the years, the lead up to Easter has become more reflective, as I ponder what happened to Jesus. I try to imagine what it was like to be around at that time, especially for his closest friends, the disciples.
They had lived and travelled with Jesus for over two years and watched him be put to death in the most painful way on a Roman cross. It must have been unbearable.
In the Bible, Luke’s Gospel tells the story of two people (part of Jesus’ group) who went from Jerusalem to Emmaus, on the Sunday. Whilst walking, they were met by a stranger who asked why they were sad.
They were surprised that the man had not heard what had gone on with Jesus, so they told him. Weirdly, in response, the stranger explained that their ancient texts described what would happen to the Messiah. They stopped for a meal together, and at that moment the stranger…
“…took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?””
The stranger was the risen Jesus! His identity had been hidden from them, until this time. But now, they were shocked, and returned to Jerusalem to tell the others what they had experienced.
This was a Bible study being led by the newly resurrected Jesus! He showed what was written in the old Jewish texts were all about Him!
The two people were sad, in pain and hopeless. Jesus came and walked with them. Then he directed them to the old texts and showed them God’s masterplan. As they ate together, Jesus was revealed: their pain was turned to joy, their despair to living hope!
Here are three things I get from this story, which I hope will encourage you:
If you are sad, in pain or feeling hopeless – Jesus is with you.
When feeling like this, look in the Bible and let it speak to you about God’s masterplan for your life.
Ask Jesus to reveal himself to you right now. He can turn your pain into joy, he can be your living hope.
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader