
Last night was Halloween. For 18 years, in our church, we have run our positive alternative to Halloween, the Blazing Light Party!

The BLP is aimed at families with children under the age of 12. The party has games, bouncy castles, craft, food, quizzes, glow, stick and goody bags. We conclude with lots of dancing and prizes are awarded to the best girl, boy, mum and dad dancer!

Last night over 200 people gathered for this year’s event, and our theme was superheroes. Many children, and some of the team, dressed up as their favourite superhero. We had a fantastic evening and lots of fun together!

There are many fictitious superheroes. In recent years the Marvel Universe films have featured many and has been a global success, gaining thousands of fans and making big money.

There is a strong theme which unites all superheroes. They use their powers and skills to make the world a better place. This is usually done by taking on and defeating the baddie!

I believe that this theme resonates in all of us. In other words, we long for good to triumph over evil. We want the world to be a better place!

The Biblical story is one of good verses evil! Jesus is the good guy, and the devil is the bad guy. The narrative says that God created a beautiful world. People, created in God’s image, had a perfect home and relationship with God.

The devil rebelled against God and deceived humans, turning them against God and each other. Fast forward some years and God sent His ‘superhero’ Jesus. The Bible puts it like this…

The reason the Son of God (Jesus) appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.
— 1 John 3:8 The NIV Bible

By defeating the devil, Jesus restored the broken relationship between people and God. Jesus made the world a better place.

This better place is both ‘now and ‘not yet’. In my experience, I have seen the ‘now’ effect in the lives of countless people who are Christians. Jesus makes a real, positive difference – a force for good!

The ‘not yet’ is sometime in the future. The Bible speaks of a day when Jesus will return and there will be ‘a new heaven and a new earth’. The last book in the Bible, Revelation, describes some of what we can expect.

Nobody knows when this will be, or exactly what it will be really like, but I believe it will be a much better place! And at the centre of it will be my number one superhero… Jesus!

If you are longing for your life, and this world, to be a better place let me encourage you to investigate my number one superhero.

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin