Spring Valley


This week my wife and I have been able to get away to the south coast. For a few moments, looking out across the beach in glorious sunshine, eating ice cream it feels like being in a world free from the effects of Covid-19.

However, with noticeably fewer people around and various signs telling us to keep a good social distance, we are quickly reminded of the new normal we are in!

Let’s face it, life has been tough these last four months. We’re told that we are coming out of the worst of it, but there is still much apprehension on this journey; what happens if the number of cases rise again?

The theme of journey can be found in numerous places in the Bible. And on that path, the image of the valley is used as a metaphor to describe trouble and hardship. This type of valley is a dry, sun scorched, arid place.

Psalm 84 is about a pilgrim who longs to be at Jerusalem and halfway through it says…

As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs…
— Psalm 84:6 The NIV Bible

The word Baka means weeping. The writer does not say that they ‘may’ pass through this valley, but rather ‘as’, meaning they will! How true this is for us too; we all go through ‘valleys of weeping’ in life.

However, the Psalmist says that this person turns weeping into a place of springs? How does that happen? I believe a key is found in the New Testament and the words of Jesus. In John 4 he had a conversation with a woman he met at a well in which they started talking about drinking its water. Jesus said to her…

Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
— John 4:13-14 The NIV Bible

Jesus offers life giving and life changing water! As its consumed it produces a spring of living water within that person. His living presence not only satisfies (like a glass of cold water on a hot day) and goes on satisfying, but it also becomes a source of life for that person now and into eternity!

As we reflect on the past four months, many with tears in eyes, and navigate this new normal there is hope. On this journey Jesus can transform the of valley trouble, hardship and weeping into a place of life, welling up from within! Anyone thirsty?

Also, why not check out our live stream service every Sunday at 10:30am, simply go to www.hopebasingstoke.org/livestream

Stay safe

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin