The Real Deal
Did you know that the ‘Antiques Roadshow’ has been on the BBC since 1979! It’s still broadcast today and on its 24th series, running the same format for 46 years.
People travel to a variety of stunning locations, with their antique, where the experts tell them all about it, and more importantly, how much it may be worth!
The experts are very knowledgeable and share interesting stories about the various items. The owners and onlookers listen intently. I think some, like me, are just wanting to know the valuation.
One of the most expensive items brought on the roadshow was in November 2008. It was an original 1990s bronze maquette of the Angel of the North, sculpted by Antony Gormley, and was valued at an eye-watering £1,000,000! (Source: Wikipedia).
Some items are not what they seem. They have no commercial value, whilst others are counterfeits. It’s rather embarrassing when the expert has to break this news to the owner.
The value comes from something that is genuine and authentic. Authenticity is very important. I believe we want that in all aspects of life. Be that in people, especially those in the ‘public eye’, to the information and news we receive.
In the first few books of the New Testament there is a man called John the Baptist, who was around just when Jesus started his ministry.
John had been wrongly imprisoned, and whilst there he heard stories about what Jesus was doing, and he sent some of his friends to ask him…
“Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”
Jesus responded by saying that sick people were being healed, the dead were being brought back to life and good news was being proclaimed to the poor.
In other words, Jesus was saying, ‘yes, I am the one’! His teaching was revolutionary, and his miracles were transforming people for good. Jesus was totally authentic and not a counterfeit.
Today, his teachings are just as powerful and relevant. People are still being restored and healed, and hundreds of thousands of believers have had their lives changed for good in his name.
Jesus was, is and will always be the real deal!
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader