Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash
One of the joys of being a Pastor is relating to people in our church. Over the years I have met individuals from all over the world, young and old. We have babies and our eldest member turned 91 last month.
Some are part of large families whilst others are single. There are those who have very little material wealth and others with money.
It has been wonderful to see our church community grow over the years. Today we are an international church with over a dozen nations represented. Each person is unique and has their own story, which I enjoy listening to, especially over coffee!
It is a delight to be part of this vibrant, diverse community where everyone is welcome. None of us are perfect, and together we support one another, learning what it means to follow Jesus.
In his letter to the church in Corinth, in the Bible, the Apostle Paul likened the church to a body…
“But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.”
Paul saw that the church is at its best when it is made up of a variety of people, each with different skills, abilities and interests. Paul goes further to say that God has ‘placed the parts in the body’.
In other words, it seems to me that a church that is diverse is exactly what God is after, and not one where everyone looks, thinks or acts the same.
The human body is made up of many different parts, and they function best together when they do ‘their’ thing. There is a united purpose, which comes from the head!
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the head of the church (global). So together we need to be united around His plans and purposes and play our part in helping achieve it.
In my experience, that can look different for people. In our church, we have those who love to care, those who love to pray, those who are very practical, those who are musical, those who are good with kids, those who are great with young people, those who love the elderly, I could go on and on...!
Two closing thoughts: Firstly, let me encourage you to discover and celebrate how God has made you and to find your place in the church.
Secondly, take a fresh look at those around you in the church, especially those who are different to you. God has placed them there, so rejoice in the differences, as that makes a great church, just as God intended!
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader