Ordinary People

Last weekend the United Kingdom marked the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The four-day celebrations were filled with the usual ‘pomp and ceremony’ that is associated with Royal occasions, but it was so much more as well!

There were many unforgettable scenes: The Mall packed with people waving Union Jack flags, the Red Arrows red, white and blue smoke over the capital and Rod Stewart leading ‘Sweet Caroline’ with 1000s singing along.

I loved the delightful sketch where Her Majesty had tea with Paddington, and she revealed what she keeps in her handbag! And who can forget little Prince Louis, stealing the show on the balcony of Buckingham Palace?

Alongside that, I loved watching the television showing ordinary people, up and down the country, lighting beacons and enjoying street parties.

When Jesus was here on the earth, he was a ‘celebrity’, known for doing amazing miracles, signs and wonders! He was also a great communicator, preacher and teacher.

He always attracted a crowd, but he chose to invest in a small group of people. After Jesus’ resurrection these same people began to do the things he had done, empowered by the Holy Spirit. This was noticed by the authorities…

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realised that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
— Acts 4:13 The NIV Bible

God had just worked through Peter and John to perform a miraculous healing on a lame man. Once humble fishermen, these two were now following in Jesus’ footsteps! They had not been to University or Bible College, but had spent time ‘doing life’ with Jesus for around two years.

This is such fabulous news! It means that anyone can be like Jesus. It’s not just for intellectuals, academics or celebrities. It’s not gender, ethnic or age dependent either. It’s open to all!

Here’s the thing: being around Jesus can change you! Today, we can’t be with Jesus ‘face to face’ like Peter and John, but there are things we can do. Here are a few:

  • Spending time reading and meditating on the Bible

  • Prayer: talking and listening to God and doing what He says

  • Keeping a soft heart and spirit, being open to God’s forming and shaping

  • Being filled with God the Holy Spirit

  • Serving those around you, as Jesus would have

 Let me encourage you to make these five things part of your lifestyle and see the difference it makes!

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin