The Micah Way


Every day I look at the newspapers front pages. It gives a quick snapshot of what is currently ‘trending’. Sadly, it’s often the big scandals, tragedies or injustices that make the front page - it seems bad news sells. Thousands of years ago there was a scandal in Israel! God’s people were not living according to His ways; they were behaving more like the countries around them. Into this arena, God sent His ‘prophets’ to call people back to His ways. One such prophet was Micah. Little is known about this man, but his message to Israel was direct...

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
— Micah 6:8 The NIV Bible

Through Micah, God challenged the Israelites behaviour. These words still speak to us today: 

To act justly - God is upright and good, but He's also equitable and just. He wants His people to live with a sense of right and wrong, to provide equity and protect the innocent.

To love mercy - God has a big heart for the poor and broken, and he wants His people to especially look out for those who fall through the cracks in society.

Walk humbly with your God - God resists proud people but gives grace to the humble. He wants His people to have this heart attitude. If you’re not sure how to be ‘humble’, look at Jesus as a model for humility. He personified a humble character!

May God help you to live ‘The Micah Way’ and in doing so, make some great positive headlines...

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin