Hope for the rejected


This week in the UK many shops and retail parks reopened after 12 weeks of being shut. Thousands of masked shoppers queued, 2 metres apart, before being granted access into the one-way system around the store, not forgetting to sanitize as they enter!

This is a small step towards helping our economy and I think peoples wellbeing. There is nothing quite like a bit of retail therapy!

Also, this week I started a new seven week course at our church called ‘Stories of Hope’. It’s being done online and is an opportunity to see how Jesus interacted with people in what he both said and did.

In our first session we looked at a story of a female prostitute who burst in on Jesus when he was the guest of a Pharisee, one of Israel’s leaders!

She wept and wept at Jesus’ feet and poured perfume over them. It was a most awkward moment for the Pharisee and his guests but not for Jesus who saw her boldness, humility, vulnerability and brokenness and said to her...

‘Your sins are forgiven.’
The other guests began to say among themselves, ‘Who is this who even forgives sins?’
Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.’
— Luke 7:48-50 The NIV Bible

In our group conversation we were blown away by what happened in this story. Whatever this woman had done did not rock Jesus. He saw her heart, grief and sorrow. As God on the earth, Jesus was able to forgive her for all the wrong she had done, heal the pain she was in and give her a peace like she had never known before.

This is the fabulous good news that Jesus still offers today. Your past is not a problem to Jesus. If you are sorry and what a clean start, then Jesus is more than able to provide that and offer a peace that is nothing like you have ever know before!

If you would like to join us for Stories of Hope you can find the details here: www.hopebasingstoke.org/hopestories

Also, why not check out our live stream service every Sunday at 10:30am, simply go to www.hopebasingstoke.org/livestream

Stay safe

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin