God's Apprentice

The Apprentice is back on TV! In our house this Thursday night programme is unmissable. My wife and I watch it and chat away, like a couple on Gogglebox!

We marvel and can’t quite believe the way these ‘top budding entrepreneurs’ behave in the weekly tasks assigned by Lord Sugar.

The scenarios are highly pressurized and designed in such a way that push the teams to their limits, sometimes in areas outside of their skill set – and that makes it great entertainment!

The boldness and arrogance of some of the candidates is hilarious. They see themselves as invincible ‘project managers’ who are going to go out there and ‘smash it’ (high fives all round!).

When it comes to the boardroom things can turn nasty. The team that was working together, dissolves and it’s every person fighting for themselves, as ultimately, there can only be one winner.

People are quick to throw others ‘under the bus’, whilst seeking to convince Lord Sugar that they really are the best.

Back when Jesus walked the earth, he gathered a group of apprentices (called disciples). Some of them seemed to behave like the TV show contestants.

On one occasion two of them asked Jesus if they could be his right-hand men, by being seated next to Him in heaven. Jesus replied…

…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.
— Mark 10:43-44 The NIV Bible

Jesus was quite clear: His way of doing things was completely upside down to how the world was behaving. It was not about Jesus making a name for himself or getting people to do things for Him.

Quite the opposite, Jesus demonstrated servant leadership and stated that putting others first was God’s way of living.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all treated each other in this way. I imagine the world would feel like a very different place.

We can’t change the world, but we can change how we treat those we interact with in our daily lives.

Let me encourage you to try the Jesus way of serving others and see what difference it makes…

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin