I suspect that every family has at least one. If not ‘flesh and blood’, then I reckon we all know somebody like this. I’m talking about that person who is the ‘embarrassing one’.
Who is that in your life? It might even be you! You know the kind of person I’m talking about, it’s the one who has the ability to do or say things that you find cringeworthy.
It might be the crazy Auntie, or the Grandpa with the corny jokes. For parents it could be one of your children. It could be Mum or Dad, or even worse, both of them together!
Over the years, I have tried to do my bit to embarrass my children. Picking them up from various locations in ‘crocs and socks’ never went down well.
There is a Bible story where King David did something that his wife, Michal, thought was highly demeaning. It was the time when David and the priests brought The Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.
The Ark was a very important artifact to Israel as it represented God’s presence and power. As the priests carried it, David removed his kingly robes and danced before the Lord with all his might. This ‘look’ did not go down well with Michal, and she told David, who replied…
“It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people Israel - I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.”
For King David, God was first and foremost. His devotion to, and worship of, God was of primary importance, and he was totally ‘sold out’ to Him. This meant that some of his actions may not be in line with people’s expectations.
David was abandoned to God and was not bothered how he appeared to other people. This was demonstrated in his ‘undignified’ celebration dancing. His focus was on honouring God, not looking stately or distinguished.
We can learn much from this story. Is your devotion to God the most important thing in your life? Are you somebody who is in a living relationship with Jesus, so that some of your actions may be misunderstood by those around you?
Are you someone who is more concerned about how you appear to others? Or does your devotion to God mean that you are prepared to embarrass yourself for the sake of God and His glory?
Let me encourage you to be like King David and ‘become even more undignified than this.’
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader