Dynamic Duos
There is something about duo’s that is quite dynamic! Two friends who ‘buddy up’ and do something together.
Television has its fair share of hit double acts: Morecombe & Wise, French & Saunders and the ever-youthful Ant & Dec. My particular favourites are Statler and Waldorf, from The Muppets.
Music double acts has produced some memorable tunes: Simon & Garfunkel, Lennon & McCartney and Elton John & Bernie Taupin. This does not include John & Edward Grimes, collectively known as Jedward! Remember them from 2009’s The X Factor?
Where would Butch Cassidy be without the Sundance Kid, or Thelma without Louise? And probably the greatest duo, those adorable hobbits: Frodo & Sam. There is no way Frodo Baggins would have got that ring to Mordor without the support of Samwise Gamgee!
It’s that certain chemistry that makes the combination of the two seem far greater than the individuals on their own.
There is a story in the Bible, found in the book of 1 Samuel, about the first King of Israel’s son called Jonathan, who went on an adventure with his armour-bearer.
It was at a time when Israel was oppressed by foreign invaders, the Philistines. Jonathan decided to go and attack a military outpost and asked his armour-bearer to come with him…
““Do all that you have in mind,” his armour-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.””
These two defeated some 20 soldiers, which in turn led to a great victory over the Philistine army! In other words, this double act was able to achieve something far greater together.
When Jesus was alive, he sent his closest followers (the Disciples) out in pairs, and they did amazing miracles and healings together.
It seems to me like there is a Godly principal at work here: Partnering with somebody else can produce something bigger than that of an individual.
Perhaps God has a ‘partner’ for you? Somebody who connects with you, heart and soul, and with them you could do some great things together?
Remember, every Christian is not alone. Jesus promised his Holy Spirit to come and live in every believer – leading and guiding them.
With the Holy Spirit as a ‘Godly buddy’, what could your adventure look like?
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader