We have three adult children. They are great and beautifully unique. As young parents we had no idea what they would become or what career paths they would take.
One is building a business as a personal trainer, another is in the entertainment industry, and the third is studying all things animals!
We are all one-of-a-kind, and I think that’s wonderful! We have diverse interests, hobbies and preferences. We have different abilities, skills and talents too.
Some people are very private, whilst others are like an open book. I’m sure you know someone who likes to keep themselves to themselves and others who can’t help telling you everything!
In my experience there are a few people who I am very close too. These are the ones who I feel ‘safe’ around, as I can share anything with them, knowing that I am loved and accepted. I am very grateful for them in my life.
In our midweek ‘connect group’ we have been looking at the book of James in the New Testament, and recently we read this…
“Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”
James encouraged the Christians to be honest and open about their mistakes and wrong doings with one another. Then to pray together, which can bring Gods healing.
I am convinced that confession is a good thing. It gives space to ‘get things off our chest’ or to ‘bring things into the light’. Otherwise, wrong thoughts, or patterns of behaviour can stick and even fester, which ultimately does not do us any good.
I believe that to have trusted friends to whom you can confide in is really important. These are ‘safe’ people who will stand and pray with you. I have experienced this in my life which brough healing, wholeness and freedom (Healing can be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).
Take a moment to look at your life. Are there things you need to confess to somebody? If so, what can you do about it? Find and invest in a few trusted people and create that ‘safe’ place for you.
Why not do what James says: confess and pray together and see God’s healing come…
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader