We're going to need a bigger car
Photo: https://uk.pinterest.com/
My first car was a Renault 5, which I bought from a couple who would become my parents-in-law! One important factor when I was buying the car was that it was a hatchback, so I could get my drum kit in!
Jump forward a few years, now married and expecting our first child, we needed a new car that was more reliable and could accommodate a baby and a pushchair
A few years after that we had two more children, and now as a family of five, we needed a bigger car as we had even more things to transport when we all went out.
In 2004 my mum died unexpectedly, and we inherited some money. The children were growing, and there were occasions we wanted to take others with us on trips. So, we upgraded to a seven-seater people carrier, which was a lot of fun!
In each of these new seasons we needed a larger vehicle. Thinking about our car changes over the years, I recently read the Old Testament book of Isaiah, and this verse stood out…
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”
God spoke these words to Isaiah at a time when the nation of Israel had been conquered by a foreign country. This was a word of hope for the future.
The image was of a tent and the instruction was to increase its capacity. Lots of people in biblical times were nomadic, and so would have understood what was meant to enlarge the place of a tent.
As I read it, I felt a nudge from God, like He was speaking to me! God was asking me to adjust and make room for growth. In my context the ‘tent’ was what we are doing at church.
We have seen an increase in people, and so in this expansion we are needing to enlarge, stretch, lengthen and strengthen in many aspects of church life.
As I think back to the different cars we have owned, each change was for purpose and served us for that season.
Is there an area in your life where God is speaking to you about expansion and growth? If so, what are you going to do about it?
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader