Beyond our control

There are things that come along in life that are beyond our control.

Some are pleasant. That has happened to me on a few occasions. Once, we were given some money, anonymously through our letter box, at a time when things were tight. What a blessing that was!

At other times, the surprise is not good news. For me the most dramatic and sad occasion was when we were on holiday, and we got a call to say that my dear mum had died suddenly.

In my experience, the ‘bad news’ surprises, seem much harder to handle! Recently, I was faced with a situation that was beyond my control. When it came along, I knew I had a choice in how I responded.

At first, I was annoyed, but then I brought it before God in prayer, and things shifted for me. I chose to embrace the opportunity, and things turned out well for me and those involved!

The book of Jeremiah, in the Bible, tells of a time when Israel had been conquered and many of its people in Jerusalem had been transported to Babylon. They had not chosen this, but God said to them via Jeremiah…

…seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.
— Jeremiah 29:7 The NIV Bible

In this situation, not of their choosing, God asked them to be proactive. In other words, to do something positive.

When things don’t go our way, we can respond by complaining, sulking and not doing anything! But God’s antidote is different.

God also encouraged them to find peace. We need that external peace right now in the current conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Internal peace comes when we accept what has happened. When we come to terms with our new reality, we can begin to move on from there.

Finally, God asked them to seek prosperity. Meaning, to get involved and do something constructive. There is something about being proactive in a situation. Momentum builds when you get things going!

The result of this mindset and activity was prosperity for all. In other words, the blessing is not just for you but those around you as well – everyone’s a winner!

Perhaps you are in something right now you did not choose, expect or want. Let me encourage you to come to a place of peace, then from there, seek to be proactive to make things better for you and those around you.

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin