SPOILER ALERT! Have you seen ‘Better’ on the BBC? If not, and you are planning on watching it, then please don’t read on as there are spoilers. However, if you have seen it…
‘Better’ is a five-part crime drama about a corrupt police detective who has a painful awakening when her son almost dies and decides to put right 20 years of wrongdoing.
I binge watched it recently, and really enjoyed it. The storyline and acting was excellent. At first, like any good programme, I was unsure of what was going on, but it drew me in.
DI Lou Slack led a double life. She had built a good career in the Yorkshire Police. However, with her husband’s knowledge and support, she was also working for Col McHugh, a powerful drug dealing criminal.
When her son Owen’s life was dramatically affected by meningitis, it caused Lou to reconsider her ways. She wanted to change and to be free from the powerful Col McHugh.
Slack wanted a fresh start and a clear conscience. She knew that in coming clean, there would be consequences, but she would have redeemed herself.
I found this a powerful story of somebody wrestling with the wrongs they knew they had done and wanting a way out. It reminded me of a short, but powerful verse in the Bible…
“If we confess our sins, he (God) is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
We all do, or have done, things we know are wrong. The Bible calls it sin. Some people may feel trapped, or guilty, by their actions. Whilst others may feel that what they have done is unforgiveable.
If this is you, there is good news! There is a way out. So, what do you do?
If you really want to be free, then follow what the Bible says. Confess the things you have done wrong to God and receive His forgiveness and cleansing.
As a Pastor, may I add some practical points too? Don’t do this in a vacuum. Find a trusted friend, or church leader and tell them what you have done, so they can stand with you.
You may find that you are tempted to do those things again. However, I believe with God’s help and the support of others, your life can be changed for, as the TV programme titles says, ‘better’.
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader