Above and beyond

I borrowed my mother-in-law’s car recently. I offered to cover the insurance for the few days that I had it. When she called the insurance company to add me, they calculated that instead of it costing more, they actually got a few pounds rebate… how hilarious!

Before I returned the car, I filled it up with fuel and made sure none of my belongings where there. I could have taken it to a car cleaner, and had it valeted inside and out. That would have really been going above and beyond!

The book of Judges, in the Old Testament, follows the book of Joshua. God had made Joshua the leader of Israel after Moses and he brought them into the land God had promised.

However, no new leader was appointed after Joshua, so when he died Israel was on their own. I think the intention was that the people would follow God, but the reality was they neglected to follow and obey God’s ways.

They were invaded and taken over by neighbouring tribes. They cried out to God and He raised up ‘judges’ to deliver them. In chapter 3 we read of two of these ‘judges’: Othniel and Ehud.

The text says that Israel was subject to their enemies for eight years before Othniel saved them…

So the land had peace for forty years, until Othniel son of Kenaz died.
— Judges 3:11 The NIV Bible

A few verses later we read that Israel was taken over by the Moabites for eighteen years, until God raised up Ehud who fought back…

That day Moab was made subject to Israel, and the land had peace for eighty years.
— Judges 3:29 The NIV Bible

Both Othniel and Ehud defeated their enemies, with God’s help, and result was a much longer time of peace than the proceeding oppression: first forty, then eighty years!

This speaks to me of the mercy and grace of God. Even though Israel neglected Him, God had compassion for them. He sent people to rescue them and, on top of that, He blessed them with long periods of peace.

This is just a reflection of what Jesus did for us. Through Him, not only are we saved, but we are also brought into peace and relationship with God. This does not last forty or even eighty years… it’s eternal!

God really does go above and beyond.

God bless you :)

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin