

I was never any good at football. So, I dreaded those schoolboy football games when everyone lined up and the teams were picked. We all knew who would be picked first and last! Pretty often I was one of the last. Looking back on this awkward experience now I can see that it is a bit of a ‘life metaphor’.

There will always be somebody who is more talented and gifted than me. But, I do have gifts and skills that others don’t have. The important thing is not to look with envy at those with ‘more’, but to ask, what am I to do with the gifts, skills and talents that I have?

Jesus addressed this issue in one of his ‘parables’, often referred to as the parable of the ‘talents’. A master goes away and gives three of his servants some gold: ‘To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability’. 

When he returned, he discovered that the one with five had made five more, the one with two had made two more to which he said to them...

Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!
— Matthew 25:21,23 The NIV Bible

The master rewarded those who had done something with their investment. He was not happy at all with the one who only had one bag, as he had only buried it!

We all have God given gift and abilities. This parable shows us that we must face that reality that some have more whilst other have less.

What God desires is that we do not compare ourselves to them, instead do whatever we can with what we have been given. That’s what pleases Him! So what are you doing with the talents, skills and abilities God has invested in you?

God bless you!

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin