3 essentials
If you were to ask me what my favourite toy was, I would say, Lego. As a child, for many years, it’s all I ever wanted for birthdays and at Christmas. There was nothing more satisfying than opening the box and following the instructions creating a car, spaceship or castle!
Then once it was made I would add it to my collection and would be lost for hours in my own ‘Lego universe’! I had a whole town with loads of mini-figures.
Even today I can’t help but look at the new sets in toy shops and online, and if ever I see a Lego store I have to go inside for a (long) visit.
In the book of Exodus, in the Bible, after God had successfully freed the Israelites from Egypt, He gave instructions about building a special and holy place...
“Then let them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.”
In this chapter God gave detailed plans to construct three things: an ark, a table and a lampstand.
The ark was at the centre of this sanctuary (called the tabernacle), and was and ornate box, beautifully decorated and was to be the meeting of heaven and earth – where God said that he would meet them. If you’ve seen the film ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ you will know what I am referring to!
The table was small, overlayed with pure gold and on it was placed some bread. The lampstand, called a menorah, was fashioned out of pure gold with seven lamps on it.
These three items each symbolize something about God and his relationship to us:
The ark – God wants to meet with us! He wants to ‘do life’ with us. Today, we don’t have to go to a specific place to meet with Him. God is better than your mobile reception as we can connect anytime, anyplace, anywhere!
The bread – God is our food! He is the one who keeps us going, sustains and nourishes us. Bread is simple, but eating it daily brings life. God wants to be our source, the life giver, the one we go to daily for His ‘food’.
The lampstand – God is light! His light guides us, like a torch on a dark night. His light dispels darkness, and fear. His light is a beacon of hope, shining bold and bright!
This week, let me encourage you to think about the powerful meaning of these three symbols: the ark, the table/bread and the lampstand.
God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader