1st April, no joke


Today is the 1st of April. Many years ago, my first full time job was at Olive Tree Press in my hometown of Basingstoke. When I arrived on the 1st of April I went through the routine of starting up the machines and the radio. The DJ said that he was doing a ‘stereo experiment’ that morning (yes, it was back in the days of mono radios) and that if anyone put two radios side be side and retuned one, then you could get a stereo broadcast! I duly followed but could not understand why it wasn’t working for me? My colleagues didn’t let on for a few hours that I had fallen for this elaborate April fool!

Unfortunately, our current situation is no joke. Our nation is on its second week of lockdown. Whilst in the grip of this pandemic I have found comfort and hope in the book of Isaiah. This is an epic Old Testament journal of prophetic words God said to Isaiah. From chapter 40 onwards God spoke of hope and comfort to Israel at a time when they were a defeated nation.

They had been exiled to Babylon. Everything was different for them: They could not work. Families were separated. They could not go to the temple, their place of worship. Amid this God said to them...

So do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
— Isaiah 41:10 The NIV Bible

The are some parallels between with what Israel faced then and what we face today. Everything is different. Many are unable to work. Families are isolated. Our church community is unable to meet for fellowship, worship and prayer together. God’s words of hope and encouragement are just as powerful and relevant today. Here’s the important thing: God is with us. He is not far away, removed or unavailable! I love how the late author Eugene Peterson interprets the same verse in The Message Bible... 

Don’t panic. I’m with you.

There’s no need to fear for I’m your God.

I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you.

I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.

On 1st April 2020, this is God’s word and promise for you. No joke.

Stay safe

God bless

Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader

Gary Bastin